We Offer Lymphatic drainage and massage post – surgery. Body sculpt post – op. We also correct fibrosis, seroma, help with wound care and take out stitches.

Lymphatic massage therapy

One of the body system affected by over acidity is the Lymphatic System, (It is the body’s major waste removal mechanism and an important part of the immune system).

Lymphatic Massage  a technique developed in Germany for the treatment of Lymphedema (an accumulation of fluid).

Why Should I have a Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatment?

1.- Helps You Get Back to Normal Life Faster after Surgery.- Your healing process is accelerated with MLD when you reduce swelling, pain, bruising and activate the immune system bu cleansing the tissues, this promotes a speedy and effective recovery process.

2.- Reduce Swelling.- When the lymphatic vessels are cut, as in surgery or injury, the lymphatic fluid build up causing swelling in your tissue. MLD will gently reroute fluid, thus reducing swelling and inflammation.

3.- Reduce Bruising & Pain.- MLD moves damaged cells out, improve skin regeneration and tissue health. MLD has a profound analgesic, or pain-relieving effect.

4.- MLD Reduce Scarring.- MLD promotes soft, pliable tissue. Scarring and build of nodules are reduced. Hard tissue is softened.

5.- Faster Recovery from Sport Injuries.- When pain and swelling are reduced, you can get back to doing the fun sport activities that you love with maximum mobility.

What condition is lymphatic massage used for?

Up to 25 percent of breast cancer patients whose surgery includes removal of lymph nodes in the area of the armpit eventually develop Lymphedema. The condition can also occur in the leg or other parts of the body if lymph nodes are removed in the course of other types of surgery, such as in melanoma, colon, prostate or bladder cancer, after radiation treatment, infection or trauma.

Symptoms of Lymphedema include swelling and pain can occur immediately after radiation therapy, surgery, infection , and trauma, or weeks, months, and even years later.

What should one expect on a visit to a practitioner of lymphatic massage?

A Lymphatic massage session in San Antonio, Texas for women who develop lymphedema after surgery for breast cancer starts with light massage on the surface of the skin of the neck. The therapist gently rubs, strokes, taps or pushes the skin in the direction that follows the lymph fluid and can drain it through proper channels.

Lymphatic drainage is very gentle, it is not painful and doesn’t have a stimulating effect. Each session lasts 45 to 60 minutes, and the therapy is usually performed once a day four or five times a week for two to four weeks. One study showed that the greatest reduction is swelling from lymphedema occurs in the first week of treatment and stabilizes during the second week.

Lymphatic Drainage


30 Min

60 Min



10 sessions a hr
5 sessions a hour
10 sessions of 30 minutes
5 sessions of 30 minutes